Plastic, Paper and Other Synthetic Weaving Materials Price List
IMPORTANT - How to place an order.
To order you can phone us on (0044) 01202 874737, or click here to e-mail us and request a pro-forma invoice, please tell us which materials you require. We accept cheques/postal order payment by post, credit card payment by phone only please for security purposes, PLEASE DO NOT SEND CARD DETAILS BY E-MAIL! Materials are principally supplied by mail order, if you wish to collect in person at our shop, please phone first to avoid disappointment. All quoted prices INCLUDE VAT. Natural materials are susceptible to moisture loss, quoted weights are therefore nominal. We accept all major credit cards on orders over £10.
SHIPPING PRICE GUIDE - Please allow a little extra weight on order.
Up to 999 grms = £5.00 - 1 to 1.5 kilos = £7.00 - 1.5 to 3 kilos = £10.00 - 3 to 10kgs = £13.50 - 20kgs = £15.00
Plastic hand caneIdeal for canoeists, plastic hand cane. Weave your own seat using 2.5mm hand cane - does not go baggy when wet, or discolour in the sun or damp. Creamy beige in colour £30.00 per kilo including VAT
Paper cane pre-woven panellingExactly the same as "real" cane but woven using individual creamy beige coloured satin finish paper strands, very convincing. Six way half inch weave, perfect for cupboard facings and decorative panels. 24" wide - £9.00 per linear foot including VATLarger widths sometimes available from stock - please ask. Please click on the image to see a larger version. Click here to see how to place an order |